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10th Grand (International) Contest on Chemistry for High School Students finals

Published on Nov 12, 2013


On 3 and 4 November 2013 Osaka City University (OCU), in cooperation with Osaka Prefecture University and Yomiuri Shimbun Osaka, hosted the final of the 10th Grand Contest on Chemistry for High School Students.
For this special 10th edition three schools from abroad were invited to participate, making it an international contest. The high school students presented their research projects in both English and Japanese.
In total a record number of 69 teams from 47 schools participated, of which 13 schools for the first time, with a total of 851 participants.

Osaka Prefecture Senri Senior High School won the Minister of Education’s Prize, Fukushima Prefecture Iwaki High School won the Osaka Governor’s Prize and Yonago National College of Technology won the Osaka Mayor’s Prize.?

The winning team will be invited to next year’s ‘Taiwan International Science Fair (TISF) 2014’.

Winner of the Minister of Education's Prize: Osaka Prefecture Senri Senior High School
第10回高校化学グランドコンテスト最終選考会を開催しましたPoster exhibition on 3 November
