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OCU ranks nr. 71 in Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2013-2014 (and nr. 14 in Japan)

Published on Jun 20, 2014


「Times Higher Educationアジア大学ランキング2013-2014」で第71位にランクイン(国内では第14位)Osaka City University ranked number 71 in the Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2013-2014, two places down from the number 69 ranking of last year. In the same ranking of Japanese universities however, OCU rose two places from number 16 to number 14.
There were only 20 Japanese universities in the top 100 this year, two down from last year. We are happy OCU was again in the top 100 and even rose two places within the Japanese universities group.
※The Times Higher Education is an Anglo-American ranking of institutes of higher education published each autumn as a supplement to the British newspaper The Times.

Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2013-2014

World ranking (for reference) Asia Ranking Japanese Ranking Name of University Score
23 1 1 University of Tokyo 76.4
52 7 2 Kyoto University 63.2
125 13 3 Tokyo Institute of Technology 50.8
144 15 4 Osaka University 49.0
150 16 5 Tohoku University 48.5
201~ 27 6 Tokyo Metropolitan University 41.6
  29 7 Nagoya University 41.5
39 8 Tokyo Medical and Dental University 37.7
301~ 42 9 University of Tsukuba 35.2
  48 10 Hokkaido University 33.4
  50 11 Kyushu University 33.0
401~ 63 12 Juntendo University 29.8
  64 13 Waseda University 29.4
  71 14 Osaka City University 28.1
  72 15 Keio University 28.0
  74 16 Hiroshima University 27.9
  88 17 Kobe University 25.6
  94 18 Okayama University 24.5
  96 19 Kanazawa University 24.1
  98 20 Chiba University 23.9
