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Osakan Students Take First Step to Enhance the 2025 World Expo

Published on Jan 06, 2020


On Sunday, 22 December, 2019, students from Honaikude participated in the “SCIENCE CASTLE 2019" at Osaka Meisei Gakuen. Organized by Leave a Nest Co., Ltd., it is the largest conference in Asia for middle and high school students who want to try their hand at research and development. Osaka City University (OCU) Professor Takeshi Nagasaki of the Graduate School of Engineering also participated as a judge.

?As the conference has a reputation for being a gateway to success for future researchers, members of Honaikude used this opportunity to have an exhibition where they informed the public of their activities and hold a workshop. In the workshop they introduced a basic outline for the upcoming 2025 World EXPO, part of which had Honaikude setting up a pavilion where they would throw an exhibition called “space x death”. Participant middle and high school students divided into groups to have a discussion on the image of “space” and “death” and ideas of what the pavilion would look like from their unique perspective. The workshop was a great success, packed to the point where some people were standing. A high school student commented that the idea of a “death” pavilion was very innovative and interesting.

Honaikude currently consists of students from Osaka Prefecture University (OPU) and OCU. Their goal is to enhance the 2025 World Expo with diversified standpoints together with motivated middle and high school students. Participation in this event has become invaluable in letting people know what Honaikude stands for.

>Check Honaikude’s activities here.

Poster presentation of Honaikude's activities? ? ? ? ? ? Workshop
to HS students

Group discussion? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Members of Honaikude that participated in the
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? workshop
