Professor Yukihiro Kaneko, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka City University (OCU), Receives the MEXT Award during the 3rd Annual “Awards for AMR Awareness-Raising”
On 9 October, 2019, during the “Awards for AMR Awareness-Raising”, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Professor Yukihiro Kaneko received the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Award for his “Baikin (Bacteria)’s World” project.
■Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Award■
Activity:?Conveying Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in an easy-to-understood manner
Award Winner: Hiroyuki Kaneko, Professor, Department of Bacteriology, Graduate School of Medicine, OCU
This award project aims to promote measures against AMR by awarding those individuals or groups of individuals who successfully raise awareness of AMR nationwide. This time the “Baikin (Bacteria)’s World” project, which Professor Kaneko has been working since 2015, will be rewarded for successfully educating students on AMR. The award ceremony will take place in Tokyo on Saturday, 9 November.
Click here for details (in Japanese).
Professor Kaneko’s Comments

Since 2015, I have not only been researching AMR but I have also been informing students what I have learned. It all started with the support and cooperation of the University and it`s Graduate School of Medicine. I am thankful and honored for their approval and to be evaluated in such a way to receive an award. Although my goal was not to receive an award, I will take this opportunity to expand my efforts on the “Baikin (Bacteria)’s World” project and beyond. Continued support from everyone is very much appreciated.
Summary of the Project
Dangerous bacteria with antimicrobial resistance (the ability to resist the effects of medicine) have been increasing. Reports show that by 2050, worldwide deaths from the AMR will exceed those from cancer. With this as the backdrop, I have been educating students’ with original characters I call “Baikins (Bacterias)”.
Click here for details (in Japanese).
I have started crowdfunding so that I can continue with this project. If you would like to support, applications are due Sunday, 24 November, 2019. Your cooperation is very much appreciated.
Click here for details (in Japanese).