President Arakawa’s Message on COVID 19 (the 6th edition) "The Virus Needs the Help of Humans to Spread!“
April 13, 2020
Tetsuo Arakawa
President, Osaka City University?
The Virus Needs the Help of Humans to Spread!

Why has the new coronavirus infection spread this much throughout the world? It is because of people who think they are OK and do not take the situation seriously. "I am fine"," I cannot be infected here." These are the people who get infected and spread the virus unknowingly.
The virus cannot spread by itself. It can only grow by taking over human cells. Afterwards it invades other people through human droplets like saliva or by touching objects with saliva on it, like handrails. If you avoid contact with people and the objects they touch, the virus will lose. What we need to do now is be patient. We must win the battle of patience against the virus. Starve the enemy out. In two weeks, the virus will lose if we patiently wait.
Although it is prevalent all over the world, there is no single infected person in our university. It shows the high awareness of students, faculty and staff at Osaka City University. I am proud to call you all my comrades. Let's be patient a little bit longer and fight against this virus together.
Important notes
<Cease contact with people>
1. Avoid unnecessary outings (things not needed for your livelihood): However, going out for a walk, jogging, cycling, etc. are ok.
2. Maintain at least a 2-meter distance (social distance) from people.
3. Wear a mask.
4. Ventilate rooms.
<Give up contacts with objects>
1. Do not touch anything you do not need to: Especially be careful with straps, handrails, money, push-buttons, doorknobs, etc.
2. Do not touch your face.
3. Wash your hands frequently or disinfect them with alcohol. If this is not possible, use a wet tissue as a temporary measure.